Wednesday 20 February 2013

Dinner for two

So, I have to go to London again for work next month. I'm attending a full day of training, so I'll be arriving the night before.

I love spending time in London, even if it's for work and even if I barely get to see the city at all while I'm there.

But one thing I absolutely hate is eating alone. I'd much rather have this man at my dinner table. Delicious food, stimulating conversation, excellent red wine... and the night may turn out a lot less boring than I'm expecting it to be.

So, Richard, if you just happen to be in London next month, don't hesitate to get in touch. I won't even mind if you don't bother shaving ;-)

Pictures (cropped): Richard Armitage as John Mulligan in Moving On (2009).
Original images from


  1. Who could resist those penetrating blue eyes of RA's? Sighhhh! Have a great trip to London!

    1. I'm sure I couldn't resist staring at him all night long! :-)

  2. Here's to that relaxing dinner you described. Hope it comes true ;)

    1. Oh, wouldn't that just be the greatest thing ever? A chance to actually speak to Richard, ask him those questions that I've always wanted to ask...It would make my year! *fingers crossed* ;-)

  3. Dinning with him... swoon, swoon, swoon... <3

    I would love to be that glass, lol.

    1. Oh my, I hadn't even thought of that! Swoon, indeed! ;-)
