Tuesday 12 March 2013

FanstRA4: She's in the Army now!!

This was not supposed to be my first post for FanstRAvaganza, but faith decided differently when I stumbled upon this lovely picture of Richard and Evangeline Lilly (who plays Tauriel the Elf in The Hobbit 2 and 3) shared by a fan on Evangeline's Twitter account  @EvangelineLilly . I had never seen this picture before, have you?

According to Evangeline, it was taken at a local premier that they went to in Wellington during the filming of The Hobbit. Thank you to www.richardarmitagenet.com @RAnetdotcom for finding it!

But it got me thinking about how incredibly stunned all the women around Richard are after meeting him. Apparently (SPOILER ALERT) Evangeline did not even really get to work with Richard as their characters never actually get to interact in the films. But miss Lilly could not help but be in awe of his talent... and looking at this picture: how could anyone not be impressed?

The Dwarf Prince and the Wood Elf: don't they make a lovely pair?

So, I hereby officially declare Evangeline Lilly an active member of the Armitage Army! Welcome!!

Oh, and how spoiled are we - there seem to be new pictures of Richard every single day *does happy dance* :-)

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  1. Happy dance, indeed!

    as I mentioned elsewhere, RA has his hand in his standard embracing a lady pose--fingers played across her torso just below her bosom. It makes me think RA is bReAst man, rather than a hip man. Ha!

    1. I like to think he's the 'stay close and I'll protect you'- type of man: real gentlemen are sexy, don't you think? (but a dying breed, I'm afraid...)

  2. I wasn't familiar with this actress (although I had heard her named discussed along with the Hobbit film). I was surprised to learn she is Canadian!
    The two of them make a fabulous looking couple. But I guess she is already in a relationship.
    Thanks for this post!

  3. I wasn't familiar with this actress (although I had heard her named discussed along with the Hobbit film). I was surprised to learn she is Canadian!
    The two of them make a fabulous looking couple. But I guess she is already in a relationship.
    Thanks for this post!

    1. I knew her name but don't really know where I may have seen it (or her) before. And yes, she seems to be happily married and has a bunch of kids, too. She sounds like a lovely person from her Twitter posts.

  4. I love that photo of Richard and Evangeline! Richard looks very happy and this pictures shows that he did get out during filming of the Hobbit.

    1. Yes, I'm glad he did get to do some fun things during filming in New Zealand. Thorin is such a grumpy and dark character, I'm sure Richard needed a break from him from time to time...
      Thank you for your comment!

  5. That's a great picture! Fun stuff--now I can't wait for the next Hobbit movie!

    1. Oh, neither can I, Saraleee! The first one is still playing at my local cinema and I'm fighting the urge to go and see it for the 5th time :-P
      Thanks for your comment!

  6. At first I didn't recognise her without her long wavy Lost hair! I know you can't tell, but she's probably sneaking a quick squeeze of Richard's backside behind there.
    OK, not really , but would you blame her if she did? :)

    1. I certainly would not blame her if she did sneak a feel of his backside... She's only human, isn't she? ;-)
